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  ..: Fatwa: Right of Return is an Obligation :..
May 18, 2008
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Sheikh Dr. Taisir Rajab Al-Tamimi.Sheikh Dr. Taysir Al-Tamimi issued a Fatwa (a religious edict) at the Mosque of Riverside, California, during his visit there and while participating in the activities commemorating Al-Naqbah by the Palestinian community at that location. Sheikh Al-Tamimi stated in his Fatwa that the Palestinian Right of Return is the base of the resolution of the conflict and it is a fundamental right to hold to the Right of Return for all Palestinians, and at the same time an obligation.

The Sheikh also made clear in his Fatwa that the Palestinian victims of the Naqbah should be compensated for their physical, moral, mental and material suffering and for all their losses. This right to receive compensation is in addition to their Right of Return, and in no way replaces or diminishes their Right of Return.
According to the Fatwa of Sheikh Dr. Al-Tamimi, it is possible that Palestinians settle in another place as an alternative conditional solution, but, according to the Quran, this conditional possibility can only be fulfilled in a place which must be near and around the Mosque of Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, where the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) ascended to the heavens. This is the only possible home of the Palestinians according to our religion.

The Right of Return of Palestinians is a just and legitimate right, and it is affirmed by all religions and by all international laws and treaties.

All Palestinians have the right to hold and renew their memories, wherever they live, until they return to the land which rightfully belongs to them.

Sheikh Dr. Taisir Rajab Al-Tamimi is the Chief of Judges of the Palestinian Authority and Chairman of the High Council of Islamic Law for Palestine. Sheikh Al-Tamimi was unjustly punished by the illegal Israeli occupation for praying in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The full text of the Fatwa issued by Sheikh Dr. Al-Tamimi is here (.PDF) in Arabic.

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