The Daily Life of Kawther Salam

  ..: Between two Women :..
May 8, 2003

          Meredith Tax

When objects team up with each other, the differenciation disappears, and when the concepts get together the certain distances become short.    Kawther Salam

In all societies over the world, women have played a much more important human role than their menfolk have generally been inclined to admit.

I did not know Meredith Tax before August 2002. She didn't know me either.

In my own life and travel I had experienced a lot of things, good and bad. Most of our problems, whether political, social, emotional ... are related to menfolk from the East, and the West. If women would replace the leaders in the countries of the world, maybe there would be a better chance of peace.

Meredith Tax is one of the most important women I have met. Until August 2002, I did not know Meredith Tax until Ramin invited me to Austria. I have been thinking about asking for asylum since before Al-Aqsa Intifada break out. However, it was not until Meredith Tax wrote me and prepared the case

I didn't meet Meredith Tax yet, but we both are feminists, peace activists, and defenders of Human Rights. This was what made the certain distance become short between each others. Certainly women understand each other, and Meredith Tax had experienced that.


Kawther Salam