The Daily Life of Kawther Salam

  ..: An Infant Starving in Israeli Jail :..
February 8, 2003

Life scream...
Loud scream...
Blared jail...
Life scream...
Loud peal...
The prisoners...
The human beings...

February 8, 2003...
Wael was born at Al-Ramleh occupational Jail...
a lifeless Jail...
Where death...
Threatens life...
Loud scream...
Touches the human feeling...
Loud peal...
The jail walls...

Everything is agitated...
The jailor...
Remains motionless...

The Mother...
Mervat Taha.
Jailed 20 for months...
On account of her dreams...!!

8th, Feb. 2003...
Wael infiltrated.
The innards darkness...
The jails darkness...
The Jailors blackness...!!!
Life triumph...
Life volition
Affliction of Fatalism.
Investigation vestibules...
Occupational cells...!!!

It's the fate...
Wael's fate...
Set eyes on...
At small cells...
Stony graves...!!!


Infant Resistance:
A Child starves in Israeli Occupational Jail...

On February 8, 2002, Mervat Taha, a Palestinian woman, an Israeli citizen from Al A'esaweih near Jerusalem, was married to Ayman Abu Doleh. On May
29, 2002, she was arrested by the IDF soldiers, and prohibited from receiving visitors.
Finally, her Lawyer, Bothaina Dokmak from Mandela for Human Rights visited her at the Al-amleh Jail. She said that Mervat had never perpetrated a security or political action against the occupation. She was arrested, accused and subjected to trial on account of "intent" of trying to help a suicide bomber.

The Lawyer said, "the occupational authorities try Palestinians and punish them for their intents and dreams".
She added, the way in which Mervat was treated by the occupational military public deputy as a mother, is considered as a precedent throughout the history of motherhood all over the world, even during periods of  occupation during past centuries.

Dokmak declared that the military public deputy had renewed directly the misjudgment against “Mervat” after she gave birth to her infant Wael. This was the worse present throughout motherhood history.

The Lawyer said that in the democratic countries in the world and according to their laws, they usually release the prisoner or commute the ruling when they find out that she is  pregnant or when the prisoner gives birth.

Mervat was tortured by the occupational security investigators during the first three month of her pregnancy, she was denied the right of medical treatment, food and visit. She live under harsh conditions and her  psychological and health condition deteriorated since she gave her birth, her infant is subject to starvation in jail as a result of her mothers dry milk. The occupational authorities refused allow her and her infant any kind of medical treatment and healthy food.

The infant didn't stop crying day and night in her mothers dark cell.